

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Napoleon & Tambora

Great eruption of Mount Tambora in April 1815 not only crushed and devastated three small kingdoms in the island of Sumbawa. Moreover, far away in Europe, precisely in the Belgian army under the command of the ruler of France, General Napoleon Bonaparte must bend the knees at the hands of England and Prussia.

Yes, three days after the devastating eruption of Tambora, on June 18, 1815, Napolean trapped enemy forces. Because, on the day the weather deteriorated. Continuous rainfall region. In fact, the French army to fight the battle it was.

Due to bad weather, cannon wheels tractor stuck in mud. All vehicles can not go smoothly. The ground was slippery, covered with snow. Understandably, a thick ash from the eruption of Mount Tambora still scattered in the atmosphere to block out the sunlight that falls to earth.

The war was a tragic story of Waterloo for Napoleon. The greatness of Napoleon in subduing his enemies over. He also surrendered.

The general was then exiled to the island of Saint Helena, a small island in the southern Atlantic Ocean. On a remote island that he spent his time until his death in 1821 due to attack cancer.

Kenneth Spink, a geologists theorized, that inclement weather caused by the eruption of Mount Tambora became one of Napoleon's defeat triggers. At a scientific meeting on Applied Geosciences in Warwick, England (1996), Spink said that the eruption of Mount Tambora had a great impact on the order of the world's climate at that time, including bad weather at Waterloo in June 1815.

In Yogyakarta, the eruption of Tambora surprise Thomas Stamford Raffles. Governor-General of the United Kingdom in Java, which came to power in 1811-1816 it was thought that the explosion was coming from enemy cannon fire sound. Naturally so, because when that communication technologies (telegraph) was not created so the eruption could not be delivered to various parts of the area in a relatively fast.

Fear of the enemy attacked, Raffles was then sent troops to guard posts along the coast to be alert. The boats were alerted. What can make, Raffles false allegations. There was no enemy attack.

Mount Tambora

Some of us would not know that Mount Tambora on record as the highest volcano in Indonesia. That was before the volcano erupted in April 1815 devastating.

When the summit of Mount Tambora reached a height of about 4,300 meters above sea level (asl). Compare with the highest land in Indonesia, namely Puncak Jayawijaya, Papua, the altitude about 3050 m above sea level.

After the great eruption of Tambora, the land at the top of it spewed out in all directions. As a result, the height of a volcano that was left by half, which is about 2851 m above sea level.

The eruption is so horrible it also left a huge caldera. In fact, according to records, the size of the caldera is most widespread in Indonesia. Imagine, the caldera has a diameter of about 7 km, a maximum length of 16 km and a depth of 1.5 km.

Today, the volcano which is administratively located in two counties; Dompu and Bima, West Nusa Tenggara province (NTB) were left miraculous story, not only in Indonesia but also impacts to the various parts of the world.

Very tense

The tragedy began in early April 1815. When the area around Mount Tambora began to vibrate. Vibration was intensified on 10 April 1815, at 19:00 local time. Since then up to five days, the explosion of Mount Tambora reached its climax.

At night, from a distance Tambora really lit a fire that continues to radiate because of the mountain peaks. The atmosphere was very tense. Mountain stream seemed to turn into a huge fire.

At the same time, the eruption was also spewing hot gas, ash, and rocks toward the bottom as far as 20 km down to the sea. Villages around Tambora was destroyed by pyroclastic flows engulfed them.

According to Firdaus Haris in his book titled Greatest Mysteries of Indonesia (2008), three small kingdoms burned and destroyed by the lava and the eruption of Mount Tambora material. The third kingdom is Concentrated within about 30 miles west of Tambora. Then, Empire Studio is 35 km east of Tambora, and the kingdom of Tambora is 25 km from the volcano.

Almost all residents in the three kingdoms were killed. Only two people survived. In fact, the kingdom's third location was already cultivated quite safe from the effects of volcanic eruptions.

The eruption of Mount Tambora also carry a very large landslide material into the sea. Avalanches that cause a tsunami on the beaches in Indonesia such as Bima, East Java and Maluku. Tsunami height was estimated at 4 meters.

Not only that, it also cast a powerful blast of volcanic ash up to West Java and South Sulawesi. Even the smell wafted up Nitric also to Batavia (now Jakarta). Heavy rain accompanied the fall of ash also occur.

According to geologists, the eruption was the largest natural disaster in history. Imagine, as compared with the eruption of Krakatoa which occurred in August 1883, the explosion of Mount Tambora more dahsat four times as much.

The eruption of Mount Tambora was heard up to the island of Sumatra, Makassar and Ternate as far as 2,600 km. Ashes were also flown as far as 1,300 km with an altitude of 44 km from the soil surface. Volume of dust is estimated at 400 km3.

Because of the thick dust flying in the sky, along the area with a radius of 600 km of the mountain is visible darkness for two days. Understandably, the sun could not penetrate the thick gray earlier.

Areas suffer most certainly near the location of Tambora. According to the Swiss botanist, Heinrich Zollinger, the eruption was instantly killed about 10,000 people.

After that, the number of deaths from starvation in Sumbawa reached 38,000 people and 10,000 people in Lombok. Another source said it had reduced the eruption of Sumbawa to the remaining population of only 85,000 people.

Number of Victims of Widespread

Not only that. The death toll also spread to the island of Bali, which reached 10,000 people. The next impact, as many as 49,000 people died from disease and starvation.

Why was there a prolonged famine? There are several reasons. First, all the plants on the island of Sumbawa when it is destroyed by a thick ash-covered and engulfed in flames.

Second, during the two weeks of heavy clouds still covered the areas around Mount Tambora, including Bali. Impact, many crops were destroyed and crop failures.

Third, the ash particles in the long term still in atmofer with altitude 10-30 km. As a result, the climate cycle becomes erratic and farmers could not harvest the crop cultivation.

Climate chaos engulfing Europe, the United States, and Canada. A year after the eruption, in 1816, the region had a year without a summer. Weather in the region changed. Understandably, the ash particles were still wrapped around the Earth's atmosphere blocking the sun broke through into the ground.

Famine also hit Canada, U.S., UK, and others. Freeze that occurred in these countries abolished the dream of the farmers. Population were food shortages.

Ireland experienced the worst impact. There, cold rainfall occurs almost throughout the summer. Approximately 65,000 people die of starvation and typhus epidemic hit. This outbreak then spread to Europe and killed 200,000 people.

The eruption of Mount Tambora is indeed tragic. The eruption was cut off hundreds of thousands of people, both those affected directly or indirectly. This heartbreaking story of Tambora in accordance with the name derived from two words; ta and mbora which is ultimately a call away.

According to the myth that developing communities around the mountain to believe, there are reportedly about 4,500 hikers, hunters, and explorers are missing. They were never found on Mount Tambora is now covered with a variety of forest orchids so fascinating.

Tragedy of Tambora and its impact: The Year Without a Summer in Europe

Development of the average global temperature in 1000 years. A significant decline shortly after 1800 was evident in most of the reconstruction that occurs at the same time.

Development of the average global temperature in 1000 years. A significant decline shortly after 1800 was evident in most of the reconstruction that occurs at the same time.

Year Without a Summer, also known as the Poverty Year and Eighteen hundred and froze to death, occurred in 1816, when the deviation of the summer climate destroying crops in northern Europe, north America and eastern Canada.

Now people generally assume that the deviation was due to the volcanic explosion of Mount Tambora on the date of 5 April-15 April 1815. The mountain is located on the island of Sumbawa in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) who threw more than a half million tonnes - or 400 km ³ - dust into the upper atmosphere. As is generally known, after a devastating volcanic eruption, temperatures around the world declined due to reduced sunlight shining through the atmosphere.

Exceptional climatic irregularities in 1816 caused a very great influence in the northeastern United States, Canada Maritime and northern Europe. Typically, in the late spring and summer weather in the northeastern United States is relatively stable: the average temperature around 20-25 ° C, and rarely drops below 5 ° C. Summer Snow is rare, although sometimes dropped in May.

But in May 1816 frost (freezing) shut down most of the plants that were planted, and in June two snow storms resulted in a lot of people who died. In July and August, lakes and rivers are frozen with ice going up in the far south of Pennsylvania. Rapid temperature changes are common and dramatic, with a temperature shift from the normal and above normal in the summer, namely 35 ° C until almost frozen in just a few hours. Although the farmers in southern New England managed to reap the ripe harvest, the price of corn and other grains increased dramatically. Oat prices, for example, an increase of 12 cents on the dollar sekarungnya (size 35 1/4 liter) in the previous year to 92 U.S. cents.

 The impact

Many historians say the year without a summer as a major motivation for the formation of the immediate settlement now known as the American Midwest. Many New England residents who died that year, and tens of thousands of others trying to find a more fertile soil and conditions pertanianyang better in the Upper Midwest (then the Northwest Territories). (A specific example of this is when the family of Joseph Smith who later became the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints moved from Sharon, Vermont to Palmyra, New York in the state of New York is far in the west after several harvests failed.) While the harvest is bad for several years, the final blow occurred in 1815 with the eruption of Tambora.

Tambora eruption also caused brown snow Hungary experienced. Italy experienced something similar, with the red snow that fell throughout the year. It is believed to be caused by volcanic dust in the atmosphere.

Europe, which is still recovering from the Napoleonic Wars, suffered from lack of food. Riots over food because it occurred in the United Kingdom and France and grain warehouses were looted. The worst violence occurred in Switzerland that has no ports; there famine caused the government declared a state of national emergency.

The great storms, abnormal rainfall, and flooding in major rivers of Europe (including the Rhine connected with this event. Similarly, the frost that occurred in August 1816.

 The impact of culture

Since there is no food Karl Freiherr von Drais find the inspiration to explore new ways to ride a horse without a cause he finds and Draisine velocipede, which is the ancestor of the modern bicycle.

In the July 1816 "of rain incessant" in "the wet summer and unfriendly" forces Mary Shelley, John William Polidori and their friends stayed in the home during their vacation in Switzerland, so that Shelley wrote Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus and Polidori wrote The Vampyre. A very high amount of dust in the atmosphere causes an extraordinary evening spectacular at this period, an atmosphere that became famous in the paintings of JMW Turner. (A similar phenomenon is recorded after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, and on the west coast of the United States after the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.)

A BBC documentary using figures collected in Switzerland estimated that the mortality rate in 1816 was double the average in the other, and giving the death rate totaled 200,000 people.

Theory of causation

At that time, no one knows what causes the conditions that diverge in 1816. One scapegoat was Benjamin Franklin, whose experiments with lightning and electricity is said to have caused changes in the weather. Later, people pointed at the sun spot activity, or simply the coincidence as a possible cause.

America is a climate expert, William Humphreys, who first expressed the opinion in 1920 that the year without summer may have been caused by volcanic activity. The explanation is partly inspired by a treatise written by none other than Benjamin Franklin. Franklin blamed the cold summer in 1783 that the volcanic ash from the eruption of Laki in Iceland.

Tambora tragedy


Ever heard of Mount Tambora on Sumbawa, the following little story about the awesomeness of Tambora.

Powerful eruption of Mount Krakatau and Tambora

Death, destruction of property, crops and famine annihilation is instantaneous impact of two volcanic eruptions, but the series that follows not only the weather anomaly or dim sunlight, but also changing geo-political power of local and global.

No measure of horror in Sumbawa, 48,000 people met their deaths while another 36 275 fled to other islands. Eruption of Tambora Sumbawa to shrink the population of 85 000 inhabitants. The local political situation changed by the disappearance of the two kingdoms, Concentrated and Tambora. According to an original manuscript, "where the ship may be anchored in the former country of Tambora."

But this picture just comes from the diaries, original manuscripts and journals weather. There has been no meteorological research and advanced communications technologies such as today. Later one can mempertautkan Tambora eruption in Indonesia in mid-April - to mid-July 1815 and the impact it creates in place elsewhere in the world.

Gara because of Tambora, the world commemorate the year 1816 as the "year without a summer". In Western Europe, America and Canada was blowing freezing air (frosts) are lethal. . Disemburnya volcanic sand dust blanketed the sea surface, and dense ash that haunts throughout the next year close to sunlight.
Weather patterns that occur in almost upside down across the northern hemisphere of Earth. Snow fell in New England, USA, in June, and frost July - August, making famine (which is not by drought).

The air is also shut down frozen food plant in Europe and Canada, causing food shortages. The unrest caused by the seizure of food rations exploded in France and Switzerland. In Ireland, winter rainfall occurs almost throughout the summer, and there are 65,000 people die by starvation and typhus. Kholera plague and typhus spread to regions of Europe, killing 200,000 people.

Ancient Wars Nuclear (Atlantis vs Rama beyond 4000 BC)?

Period before 4000 BC is considered as the pre-history and civilization of the Sumerians considered the world's oldest civilizations.

There would have been discussions, theories and investigations on the possibility that the world had reached an advanced civilization before 4000 BC.

The theory of Atlantis, Lemuria, now further enhanced with written evidence such as conversations Solon and Plato's dialogue the ancient Egyptian priest of Atlantis, the ancient Hindu texts of Ramayana & Rama Bharatayudha of ancient dynasties,

and archaeological evidence of the civilization-Daroo Monhenjo, Easter Island and the Pyramid of Egypt and South America.

Recently focused attention only on a theory of human possibility never entered the nuclear age is more than 6000 years ago.

Civilization of Atlantis in the west, and the Rama dynasty in the East is expected to grow and experience the golden age of between 30 000 years BC up to 15000 BC.

Atlantis has a region ranging from the Mediterranean to the Andes Mountains across the Atlantic while the Rama dynasty came to power in northern India-Pakistan-Tibet to Central Asia.

Relics of the Indus inscriptions, Mohenjo Daroo and Easter Island (South Pacific) has yet to be translated and experts estimate that civilizations are much older than the oldest civilization that had been believed to humans (4000 BC).

Some Wedha and Jain manuscripts, among others, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata it contains evidence of historical and technological overview of Rama's dynasty which is believed to have experienced the golden age of the seven main cities 'Seven Rishi City' which is one of Mohenjo Daroo (Northern Pakistan).

From various sources I have learned, can generally be described a wide range of theories and research on the subject of this study provide some interesting material. Include:

- Atlantis and Rama dynasty had experienced the golden era (Golden Age) at the same time (30000-15000 BC).

- Both have mastered nuclear technology.

- Both the aerospace and aeronautics technology has advanced to have enabled aircraft and shaped like a UFO (by some accounts) called Vimana (Rama) and Valakri (Atlantis).

- Residents of Atlantis has an aggressive nature and led by the clergy (priests Enlighten), according to Plato's text.

- Rama dynasty has seven major cities (Seven Rishi's City) with the capital city of Ayodhya where one of the results found are Mohenjo-Daroo.

- Competition of the civilization reached its peak with the use of nuclear weapons.

- The experts found that the debris and the remains of human skeletons found at Mohenjo-Daroo containing radioactive residue that can only be produced by large-scale thermonuclear explosion.

- In a seloka of the Mahabharata, narrated by the figure of a weapon of mass destruction is a result similar to the present nuclear weapons.

- Some Seloka Wedha and Jain in the book is explicitly and completely describe the shape of the 'flying vehicle' called 'Vimana' that its characteristics resemble flying saucers today.

Most of the written evidence it was in India in the form of literary texts, while the physical evidence would be in the western world the Pyramids in Egypt and South America.

In short all the above investigations denounce mankind had advanced in the civilization of Atlantis and Rama. Even long before man ever entered the century 4000SM space and nuclear technology. But the golden age was ended by a devastating nuclear war until the aftermath, people had time to go back to primitive times to the advent of Sumerian civilization around 4000SM or 6000tahun ago.

Until now everything is still a jumble of myth, history, and science but at least a clearly visible red thread and those of us who are open-minded, things certainly holds the potential of truth and enlightenment in an effort to advance the civilization of mankind by finding the key to the past.

In short all the above investigations denounce mankind had advanced in the civilization of Atlantis and Rama. Even long before man ever entered the century 4000SM space and nuclear technology. But the golden age was ended by a devastating nuclear war until the aftermath, people had time to go back to primitive times to the advent of Sumerian civilization around 4000SM or 6000 years ago.


There is something about the legend about Civilization Advance is always intriguing:

1. If an already highly advanced civilization, they would have found a good tool which can be transport to bring them to explore the whole earth, so, how come, the remnants of civilization are limited to certain areas only?

2. A devastating nuclear war that could easily be explained by the missing link between the culture with the culture now, but would not take more than one nuclear explosion to destroy a total of one civilization. Then why not find the blast?

Summary History of Ancient Roman Civilization

Roman civilization is the world that is located centrally in the city of Rome today. The Roman civilization developed Latia Tribes who settled in the valley of the River Tiber. Latia tribe called their home 'Latium'. Latium is a mountain valley area where the land is good for agriculture. Residents then called the Latin Latium. In the beginning, in the Latium region Latin is alive and thriving nation and a civilization that produces high value.

Rome is the center of their culture lies at the mouth of the river Tiber. Time of the founding of Rome is located in the valley of the River Tiber is not known with certainty. Legend said that Rome was founded two brothers of Greek descent Aenas, Remus and Romulus.

"The old berita2, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in 750. Remus and Romulus the son of Rhea silva, Aenas derivatives-a Trojan hero who can escape the Trojans defeated and burned by the Jujani "

The Romans had faith in the gods, like those in Greece. It's just the gods in roman different than in Greece. The gods are believed by the Romans, among others:

A. Jupiter (the king of the gods)

2. Juno (goddess of the household)

3. Minerus (goddess of knowledge)

4. Venus (goddess of beauty)

5. Mars (the god of war)

6. Neptenus (god of the sea)

7. Diana (goddess of the hunt)

8. Bacchus (the god of wine)

Roma managed to subdue the peoples who live around them one by one, either by road or street kekrasan peace. Until finally the Romans managed to master the whole of Central Italy.

Prior to that, approximately 492 years, Latium Region as a place dominated by the founding of Rome Etruskia kingdom, which is adjacent to north up to the year 500 BC. In the year 500 BC, the kingdom of Latium revolted against Etruskia and managed memerdekaan themselves and establish their own country a republic. Since then, Rome became a republic and head of state called consuls elected each year. Consul in addition to state authorities and the commander is also the chairman of the senate.

The Romans originally farmers, after defeating the ruling Etruskia later became the ruler of the territory manaklukan luasa to the Mediterranean Sea. This nation became the first farmer capitalist and materialist society. Aside from being a nation that likes to battle the Romans also amassed a fortune as venture capital. Membali their fields and then penggarapannya performed by slaves imported from the colonies.

Gaius Julius Caesar ruler to expand its territory to Germany, Belgium, Holland and even to cross the Channel to England Calis. Apart from being an absolute ruler Julius Caesar is also developing a new calendar called the Julian calendar. This calendar continues to be used until later updated by Gregory, later known as the Gregory calendar. Julius Caesar was assassinated by Brutus and Casinus who wanted a Republican form of government. However, the ideals of the people that did not work and still maintain a system of dictatorship. Julius Caesar's adopted son named Roman Oktvaianus can then re-mastered and ruled by a dictator.

In his power, Octavian lot surrounded by smart people, so he can rule for a long time. Octavian by the Senate was given the title "Augustus" which means "the Most Venerable". With stability during the reign of Emperor Octavianus the field of culture began to receive attention.

Roman culture had basic elements of Greek culture and Etrusia. This means that the Roman culture is the result of a combination of Greek culture and Etrusia, tanapa there are elements of Roman culture itself.

At the time of Octavian, the Roman people see things from the point of usefulness. Roman view of life is to give color to the religious life. Fitting those expressed by Cicero, that religion is for them not to educate men to virtue, but a man healthy and wealthy. With a practical view of life has become a major feature of the Roman people.

In the field of science, the Romans are not the creator of the theories, but implementing the theory that has existed since ancient Greece. With this chain which seemed to break in the development of science becomes grows back. When the Greek scholars are theorists, the Roman scholar is expert practice.

Octavianus period is a period of refinement and culture of Roman art. Influence of Greek culture since the strong start to the year 146 BC along with the effort to defeat the Romans in the Mediterranean. During Roman rule, Roman art spread to Europe and the Mediterranean.

Roman art is actually a mixing of the two elements of art and culture, which is an area that is Roman and Greek art Etruskia power. On this cultural hekakatnya not come from ordinary people melinkan of the nobility. Class of great artists, such as those found in Greece, Rome does not exist. Indeed the Romans brought artists from Greece. Therefore, the influence of the Roman Greece is very strong. Politics and art and culture of Rome under the Etruskia. Thus the Roman art is essentially a blending of cultural elements Etruskia and Greece which became a new cultural arts.

The Romans like to create things on a large scale because they like something grand, luxurious, and monumental, as well as attract attention. All the work culture, especially the works of art, whether it be the art of building, sculpture or relief, as well as his art made completely besr, majestic, and full of trimmings. The Romans created a masterpiece menggumkan building techniques, such as building water channels (Aquaduct), bridges, large buildings and market halls, buildings for sports and performing arts (Thermen, theater, amphitheater). In addition to the above, there are also banguan persemayam temple to the god. The Romans continued the knowledge of the Greeks, among others, construction of buildings with arches to make the rooms to be spacious.

Building a dome roof for the first time created around the year 30 BC to the building in Baaie Thermae. They are also building public buildings such as roads. The highway is the famous street Via Apia.

The houses are built the temple deity or large size. Temples that are large, among others, Paste Jupiter (the 6th century BC), Appolo and Venus in Rome. For each building the temple in Tinga-use poles. Rod roof pillars used to use the column with characteristics such Yunanni Doria, Ionia, and Korinthia.

The Romans are also experts in making sculpture, especially sculpture half a chest or a portrait. Face shape is made with great accuracy, while the body and the other is more simple. Skills to make this sculpture relate to the habits of the nation's leading families who like to make a statue of Roman ancestors in large quantities and very thorough. Usually nenak ancestor statues kept in the home and placed in a special room called the Atrium. Atrium is also equipped with the altar.

Romans in making sculpture has the same habits with the Greeks. In sculpture, the Romans always mematungkan authority figures, political figures and scholars. A lot of authority figures, political figures and scholars who serve as a background in sculpture as the face of Julius Caesar character, August, Tuchidides, Demosthenes, Caracalla, and others. Picture the faces of the figures are in addition to dipatungkan also depicted on a coin.

The Romans also delighted in the beauty of her home. Wall of the house decorated with a painting to give the impression area. Adorn the walls of this unusual activity on the walls by painting landscapes and buildings that house as if seen from the window. Painting on the walls of the house by the Romans turned out to imitate the Greeks. Thus the way to paint a painting done by the Romans memdapat basar influence of Greece. Of the art of painting on this wall are found relics of Roman society is the result of culture. One of the many cultural relics are relics of a house wall paintings found in Pompeii. Other relics are in Rome depicting the bride and her friends are preparing for the marriage ceremony. In addition to the wall of the house, painting is also found on bowls, vases, plates and place flowers.

The Romans are pleased to make the building a monumental lead this nation rich with the results of monuments and buildings of the temple. The monument was created by the Romans in the form of the gate of triumph or victory pole. Digunaakn building this monument to commemorate a historical event. At the monument was given banguan reliefs depicting the victory of events. There are monuments of art in Rome and the Roman colonies in some areas.

Constitutional changes of the Roman republic to empire did not loosen the spirit form and cultural development of the people of Rome to establish the building of monumental buildings. Only, if the supporters of the republic of arts and culture made by the nobles. However, after becoming the empire, which supports art and culture is the class of the palace. Since the emperor August, art and culture tend to form the art of ancient elbih are oriented in Greece.

Each Roman emperor who ruled beruapa always leave the building arts and culture monuments. Habits by kiasar-emperor was done as a means to show his services to the state. So since kiasar-emperor in power, many large and magnificent buildings was established by using the material of marble.

Relics of Roman art at the time of empire building is of very much. Banguan-banguan monmen include:

1. Temple of Zeus at Olympia established.

2. Temple of Jupiter in Ba'albek Heliopalitanus (syria)

3. Pantheon is a temple which is then used for the church.

4. Mousoleum in Rome founded in 175 BC.

Mousoleum is building a beautiful tomb. On the side of the room Mousoleum dihiasai ddengan various beautiful ornaments.

5. Theater at Pompeii, solona, ​​and Asperados.

6. Amphitheater

Amphpiteater is a fusion of two pieces of theater that is used for the show to complain to the castle and gladiator fights, where the audience sits around, the more backward the higher. Amphipater at the time of the emperor Vespasian (695 BC) used to show war as on the high seas and the Circus (circus), a place to race horses pull two-wheeled cart.

7. Thermen

A bathing place with an aqueous bath spaces arrow, watery hot and cold.

8. Building castles

9. Gate kemenengan

10. The pole victory

In the Gothic period (100 - 1400 AD), Roman culture is inseparable from the development of the Christian religion. Christian or Nazarene religion has actually grown since the reign of Tiberius. Religion is published by Jesus (Jesus) of Nazareth, who was born in Palestine. Christianity is different from the belief that the Roman people poltheis. Christianity has a monotheistic faith. By considerations of political and state security, Tiberius sentenced Jesus to death in the year 33. But Jesus' death does not mean Christianity vanish from kehiduapan Roman society, on the contrary.

After Jesus was crucified on the Mount Isa or Prophet Gologota, Christianity evolved to Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, and to Rome. Nearly three centuries the followers of Christianity in fear and being chased by the Romans. In the year 395 established Christianity as the state religion. Of the adherents gradually arose a form of ecclesiastical groups are arranged according to organizations in the Imperium Romanum (Roman ruler).

Christian art of the Gothic period experiencing barriers caused by the displacement of Konsatantinopel government to Byzantium. Roman Empire has split into the Western Roman and Byzantine. Collapse of the Western Roman year 335 AD

When the Romans are still hostile to the followers of Christian religion, in Rome itself clandestinely developing Katamba art. Since then the birth of art catacombs which marks the birth meruapakn early Christian art. Itself a catacomb of underground tombs.

Later in Roman society during the Gothic has always been the habit to gather in the tunnel space with the aim of holding religious activities. From the frequent gatherings are held, then developed the habit of people to decorate the walls with ancient motifs. Classical motifs drawn within the walls of this tunnel, and then displaced by the development of modern motives or new. The new motifs are formed as human beings and animals symbolically represented the interests of the Christian religion. This early Christian artwork among other paintings of Christ as a "good shepherd". In general, the develops the art catacombs are not artists. For those who are able to express the meaning erpenting and ideas through painting, and as their devotion to Christianity. However, it was "artists" these catacombs became a pioneer in medieval art nonrelistik.

When the church had independence back in the 4th century, and made Christianity the official religion, the church began the development of art banguan. At that time, the architects built the church by using the basic concept of the art building to the Roman basilica, a building for public meetings rectangular. The next development is the bell tower of the church buildings on the bad-6.

Arts building on the church building is a building with a floor plan centered geraja and using floor plans and vaulted basilica with elongated or flat ceiling or a curved cross. Examples of art in the church building is a church building in Mantua and the church St.Andrea St.Novella in Feirence.

The mystery of the prehistoric civilization that was destroyed

Modern academics have discovered in the course of the geological history of extinctions have occurred several times, and nearly destroyed all living things. Lots of direct evidence of catastrophic earth changes periodically. Judging from the evidence that has been found, that the prehistoric human civilization had become extinct due to a variety of natural changes and disasters, like earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, celestial collision (including meteorites and comets), the movement of the plates up and down the land, changes in weather suddenly, and so on.

In this case, Atlantis had become a land that has a high human civilization, but sank to the bottom of the ocean in an earthquake disaster in the past 11,600 years. It forms a zone in the south China sea now, the sea is very shallow in this area, the average depth is only 60 feet. Only the highest mountain peak in the time remaining land above sea level, which is now located in our country, Indonesia.

Similarly, at a depth of 200 meters below the sea coast of Peru, the scientists found a carved stone pillars and an enormous building. On the basis of the Atlantic ocean is on the outside had taken 8 pictures seabed. Through these images are clearly visible an ancient fortress walls and stone steps. Sink is estimated at 10,000 years ago. In western waters of the Bermuda triangle also found a giant pyramid which was estimated to be tens of thousands of years.

Thus, the days of Noah seprimitif also not as we imagine. Essence of that era it was developed. Knowledge they had developed at that time. At the foot of Mount Ararat alone, researchers and Russian scientists have discovered approximately 500 artifacts suggesting that ancient electric battery is used for metal menyadurkan.

Clearly, the legacy of the towns that once represented the prehistoric human civilization and has a brilliance is sinking into the ocean floor because of the sinking of the land.

Flood Strikes

Approximately 12,000 years ago, human civilization before our civilization now have experienced a tremendous flood attacks, and flooding also resulted in the sinking of the land. Successive archaeologists discovered a large amount of evidence that directly or not the devastating floods that occurred at that time. Anthropologists also found evidence through research on the different tribes in different parts of the world about the legend of the origin of the civilization of this nation.

Ancient legends of different peoples in different parts of the world is fundamentally illustrates that humans have experienced repeated deadly catastrophe, his uniform was so elaborate that even in a prehistoric period before the rise of human civilization right now, on earth ever happened to a devastating flood which resulted in the extinction of the entire human civilization, and only a small part that can sustain human life.

Legends about the devastating floods that have been known in the world, there were over 6,000. Like for example, in the legend of China and Japan, Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, India, Australia, Greece, Egypt and South Africa, North Africa, the natives of North America, every state as well as clumps of different nations must keep the memory of a terrible flood event . Although these legends occur in every nation and culture are different, but all have the typical storyline and characters are very similar.

All the evidence and symptoms are not at all be assumed as a matter of chance or coincidence. Process associated with the devastating floods when it is also described in the scriptures. Although the Bible is a religious book, but a large number of experts argue that described in the scriptures (Bible and the Qur'an) is a real human history.

Overview of the Bible that relate to the devastating floods that occurred at that time said, "Flood overflow and pooled for 40 nights, the tide towards the top, a boat floating on the surface of the earth": "massive overflow of water flow over the surface of the earth, all the mountains were inundated by tide ":" 5 months later, the boat stopped at the top of the mountain Ararat, and after 4 months had passed, when the land is dry, Noah left the boat. "

The devastating floods that once accompanied by changes in land and totally destroy the entire human civilization on earth, only a small part that can sustain human life. A large number of prehistoric legacy of archaeologists recently discovered, such as for example, the land of Atlantis, the Greek culture, building on the seabed and so most likely drowned because devastating floods that time. There are estimates devastating floods that occurred 5,000 years ago, following the expert estimates anstronomi, Noah's boat began to be made in 2465 BC and the rain began to fall in 2345 BC.

After Noah's boat landed on Mount Ararat, a new human life begins. Those who survived began to spread. Similarly, the animals. Plant seeds sown again. Since it is considered a new generation of men after the birth of Prophet Adam, Noah got his The Second Father of the Human Being-Father of the Second Man. By this generation, culture and human civilization developed. In addition to the Ararat region, also in Mesopotamia thousands of years later became the center of the glory of Babylon.

Due to Melting Glaciers

Underwater surveyors group of researchers headed by Dr. Robert Ballard, who also has found the Titanic, has found an old building was about 7,500 years at the base of the Black Sea, near the Turkish coast. They have discovered the structure of stone and wood building at a depth of several hundred feet. Their discovery is evidence of major flood events in the days of Noah as told in the Bible and the Qur'an.

The scientists believe that the findings prove the existence of a region that has been submerged due to heavy flooding that hit around 5000 BC. According to their theory, the great flood was caused by the melting glaciers of the high ground in Europe. "This is an amazing discovery," said Dr. Ballard in the design of the National Geographic Society titled "Research Ship Northern Horizon".

Ballard describes how an underwater robot to review 300 feet below the water surface, has been found rectangular area measuring 12 x 45 feet square, where there is a structure of wood and clay that has collapsed. "Some of the artifacts found there stored neatly made up of carved wood, some branches of wood and stone tools that have collapsed and covered with mud," said Ballard.

Dr. Ballard and his team began research in the area after two submarine geologists from Columbia University in New York stated that the condition was caused by a flood of thousands of years earlier. They predicted an ice age ended 12,000 years ago, the glaciers began to melt. Eastern Mediterranean is disconnected from the Black Sea has led to the Black Sea are not drowned by the sea water while others have increased. This led to about 7,000 years ago, early in the Bosphorus pool has broken causing water to overflow in the Mediterranean Sea to the east into the Black Sea that is disconnected from the other seas. Strength of the overflow of an estimated 10,000 times than Niagara Falls.

They said the evidence of science, suggests that the shells of the region over 7,000 years old, when the shells of other sea about 6,500 years old. Ballard explains, "Many cases that occur when the fresh water of a lake turned into salt water and the impact of the floods caused a vast land area turned into a sea bottom".

History of Civilization The Aztec, Inca, and Maya

America is a continent located between two oceans, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Americas before the arrival of the West, has been inhabited by Indian tribes are thought to originate from Asia. There are many versions about the origin of the Indians in America, for example:

a. Muhammad Yamin in his "History of America" says that the Indians came from Asia, came to America in three waves at times Neolithikum. The first wave is the displacement of the Mongols from Northeast Asia to North America via the Bering Strait, approximately 13,000 years ago. The second wave of the Austronesian peoples from west to east through the Pacific Ocean and reached South America. The third wave of migration of Austronesian sailors in ocean currents that move from New Zealand and East Asia is moving toward South America. A cross between the Mongols and the Austronesian birth of the Indians in America.

b. According to another version, approximately 20,000 to 50,000 years ago the nation Amurian of Siberia in Russia across the Bering Strait to the continent via Amerika.kemudian followed by the Mongols early first century AD, from the mingling of the two nations, was born bengsa American Indian (Amerind ) are spread throughout the American continent from north to south, they lived by hunting, catch fish, gather food and wild fruit.

Indian nations that thrive in the U.S. consists of various tribes. Among the Indian tribes, there is a familiar civilization and high culture, such as the Maya and Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas in Peru.

A. Aztec culture

Nahua tribes, who last reached the high land of Mexico, inherited a vast family of culture in the area. Among the tribes that are Mexica-Aztec or Aztec. At first the Aztecs is a tribe who first fought on the outskirts of the region. During their wanderings as an outside-line group, the Aztecs sometimes decline to dress up the leaves and eat insects. In about the year 1325 AD the Aztecs to place what is now Mexico City. At that time the place was a marshy lake gususan and small islands.

On an island in the lake Tecoco, the Aztecs obtained for such DI meihat an eagle with a snake in its mouth, which is perched on a cactus on. Because he considered it a sign of occult sbeagi, the priests pledged that the island has been selected for the Aztecs by their gods. Distulah they built the city of Tenochtitlan. They expanded the city by making the rafts are made of woven rattan sticks and Uruk soil and plants. In the area of ​​this lake they developed a primitive agriculture. Tenocthitlan city founded by the Aztecs and then developed into a center of ritual activity. Pyramid-shaped building lot established worship.

The Aztecs were a warlike nation, for they are part of the culture war itself and the part of belief system. Aztecs worshiped many gods, or polytheism. They worshiped the sun god is Huitzilochti. They believe that the sun is the source of life and needs to be maintained, in order to continue to circulate in its orbit and spin rising and setting. It required a lubricant that is purely human blood. They believe that human sacrifice is a sacred duty, and must be done so that the sun god continue to provide prosperity for mankind. Performed the sacrifice on the altar dipuncak heart of the pyramid by taking the victim to the pastor. Human sacrifice is also done in mass by killing many people.

Three hypotheses were made by the anthropologist about the reasons for human sacrifice in addition to the reasons for the sacrifice of the god, namely:

1. Sacrifices made to reduce the population, especially since the number of prisoners increased by leaps and bounds compared to the number of births.

2. To give to the people who sacrificed corpses as a source of protein and vitamins. Snagat this hypothesis is weak, because the Aztecs produce corn, beans, and maintain both dogs, chickens and turkeys.

3. A more rational opinion is to frighten dissidents and rebels, so they do not take the fight against the ruling king. The prisoners of war and many are victimized large numbers to the sun god, innocent people are also to blame also the target for the victim as one of the generals who led the war, the corrupt, the judge made the wrong decision, and state officials who do wrong , including those who entered the forbidden zone the king's palace.

In his book State and Nation (1990:208), mentioned that Huzlopochtli, in particular, so greedy, so the special ceremony thousands of people sacrificed as offerings to her in a single day. Monte Zuma II never sacrifice the victim in 5100 a memorial service his throne. At the time of the ruling Ahuitzolt in the 15th century, at least 20,000 people become victims of human being in the ceremony. Potential victims were herded to the top of the pyramid where the priests were all fighting their own heart and cut the victim with a glass stone knife, and then present it is still warm and bloodstained stone altar to the god. For offering such a mass is, the Aztecs can not rely on volunteers and therefore they are often sent to a group of fighters allied territory to arrest would-be victims.

In the heyday of power Aztec, Tenochittlan a ceremonial center that became increasingly bloody be. Various entertainment and sacramental rites of the other, creating a life overshadowed by the symbol of death. For the Aztecs, human blood is a part of the ceremony to prevent the destruction of the world, which they characterized by the disappearance of the sun. Aztec sacrifice for the nation is not a terrible thing, as well as for potential victims. According to their belief, death in the hands of the priests was an honor. Victims were sacrificed to the gods by way of splitting the chest and take his heart, so as not to upset and hungry, and bring in natural disasters. This belief affects pendangan Aztec people. Since childhood they have been trained to be ready when they tertewan ritual sacrifice in the war. Death as a sacrificial ceremony for them means contributed to the liver and blood to be offered to the sun god, and thus was part of the sun in the battle against the dark day (night) so that they become an important part of the sun.

The Aztecs had built an art or architecture that is very high. When the Spaniards came to the city Tenocl (Mexico City) they watched the progress of this nation. Here there are buildings like aquadec or other buildings, where the highway towards the city, wide streets, and canals that pass through the city and the bridge above it. These buildings by using high-tech era. In the city center built great temples as offerings to the sun god. Building height is 30 meters, consists of three levels, each level has 120 steps. On waking the streets and canals are wide for easy traffic of people and merchandise. In the trading activity of their trade in ducks, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, and deer.

Relatively simple architecture of the Aztecs, more concerned with function rather than outward beauty. In the mountains, the home of the Aztecs was made of sun-dried bricks, concrete blocks similar to the one known from Indonesia. In the lowlands, their walled homes twigs or stems of rice that were plastered with clay and grass roof. In addition to as a primary residence, they usually have other buildings such as storage areas and place the whole family steam bath. Aztec that wealthy people had houses of brick or stone built around a Patio, namely the wide open spaces in the middle of the house.

Aztec temples and other buildings decorated with statues merupkan one of the most beautiful works in America. But few relics of Aztec architecture that can still be found. The Spanish, who are Christian, had destroyed all the temples and religious heritage of the Aztecs. They even destroyed the old town Tenochitlan.

Agricultural products are processed in the farm fields are avocados, beans and corn, they also make a craft of gold and silver jewelry. From trading activities and the type of merchandise is sold and the means of supporting the construction of the experts concluded bahawa the Aztecs have a level of high culture and civilization. This civilization collapsed because of the conquest by the Spaniards under the command of Hernando Cortez in 1521.

B. Maya culture

The Mayans inhabited southern Mexico and parts of Central America other. There is a cultural center in the Yucatan Peninsula. The city is estimated at the beginning of the century-3 in the dense forests of Guatemala and the latter have been built in the 10th century and the 11th century on a plateau in northern Yucatan. These cities are a legacy from the Mayan people who have a high level of culture with a record of the most diverse architecture and the most advanced. Mayan culture is evolving from the 1st century BC to the start of a fragment of AD.

Maya culture is centered on an agrarian life. They planted corn, pepper and fruit. They raised turkeys and dogs as well as fishing along the coast. They also spin cotton and sell it to another place. Thus, it can be concluded that the Maya people trading activities other than farming. They bring their goods directly to buyers who are very far away in Central America.

Social organization dmiliki by Maya tribes reign was marked by a rich elite, who also did the trade, the elite also serves as master of ceremonies in the ritual of their beliefs. They also include an educated class who have the privilege of studying science. Outside class, there are the peasants and slaves who had by other groups. The Mayans have a writing system similar to Hierogliyph. This paper used to record important events. Writing that they have developed to function as well as recording the history of the birth, marriage, and death of Maya kings.

With the development of writing, science was developed, this nation has known the calendar year, totaling 18 months of 20 days each month, and there is one month amounted to 5 days. So that there are 365 days per year. They also have developed mathematics. In addition, one of the science of astronomy is that they develop.

Ancient Mayans built a stone monument and established magnificent cities for the gods. There are at least 80 important heritage sites Maya people were scattered in Central America. Some of the temple site plays over 60 yards.

Maya culture to flourish, especially in Guatemala and Yucatan. However, culture is strongly influenced Teotihuakan culture of central Mexico. As one of the largest cities in the world, at the height of Teotihuakan city inhabited by about 100,000 people living in the Adobe or the houses of crude brick and worshiped gods in the great pyramid of stone which still are found near the city of Mexico. From the 4th century until the 8th century to spread its influence in Central America. The architects and builders imitate the pattern of building and decorative patterns. Even after Toetihuakan fell into the hands of people who are not civilized in the year 700, his authority was still alive.

Most of the buildings, amounting to more than 200 in Kaminaluyu as a relic of ancient Mayan tribe on the edge of the city of Guatemala batar built at that time. The biggest of which is a tall pyramid-shaped stone of more than 26 meters with two-chamber tomb in it. King's body is placed on the wooden stage at the center of one of the tomb chamber. The bodies are surrounded by bodies other alleged bodies of people who sacrificed to escort the king to travel to another world. Inside this room are also found to decorations of precious stones, bones and shells, as well as glassware furious that show the richness of culture.

Uaxactun ruins of the Maya is a relic in the middle of a younger age. One building is a former court of the temple of the pyramid-shaped feet bertangga stuck with ornate facade. The building was founded around the year 250 AD. Such relics are also found in the northern Maya area.
In the Classical period, 300-500 years old, Maya culture tribes in the area is experiencing a heyday. The architecture was developed with an increase in the quality of the building. One character is the development of stone buildings, mostly sacred buildings like temples or monasteries. Tikal temple in the high reaches about 888 meters is the highest temple. Monastery in the Maya culture is sometimes covers a vast area that resembles a city, rather on what the central place of religious ceremony was held. But between the years 800 to 950, the Religious centers one by one forgotten and abandoned people. Mayan collapse because of the conquest of troops Hernando Cortez in 1521.

C. Inca Culture

Inca is a group of clans who originally inhabited Peru. According to legend, the origin of the Inca tribe originated from a group of children of the sun god, who comes from a cave in the southeast of the city of Cuzco. Incas Cuzco region has been inhabited since approximately the year 1200. but since the conquest of power in the year 1438 Panchacuti, the Incas began to expand its territory by conquering the surrounding areas. Eventually they form a large and vast territories stretching from Quito in the north to central Chile. Inca language called Tabuantisuyu territory, means the area that covers four areas. The name indicates that the entire territory of the Incas to be divided into four geographical, which is divided into more than 80 provinces. Supreme authority in the hands of a leader who is regarded as a representative of the sun god.
Inca culture developed along the western United States, especially Peru. Archaeological evidence of the existence of Inca culture, which originated from Killke phase (1200-1380), was found in the area around Cuzco in the highlands of southern Peru. Based on the evacuation of sistus-sites in the area indicated that the Inca when it was just a small area.

As with other American tribes, the Incas had military character so that the expansion of the Imperium is done by the war. Since power is held by Pachacuti who reigned from 1438 - 1471, the Incas expanded their territories to conquer the surrounding areas. During the reign of Topa Inca Pachacuti instead, expanded the Inca territory manklukan Coastal areas of southern Peru, Bolivia South., Argebtina south, and Chile. Substitute Topa Inca was Huayna Capac who ruled from 1493 until the year 1525 AD after meniggalnya Huayna Capac, there was a power struggle between Huascar and Attahualpa.

Incas have a livelihood from agricultural or farm life. Since 600-1000 AD, the Incas had developed in the field of agriculture. They create a terracing system to withstand flooding. To cultivate the land, they use a plow made of bronze. Stout plants that are grown by the Inca people nuts, corn, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes. Agricultural output is used for consumption mmenuhi farmers, also to feed the army in large, bureaucratic groups and thousands of factory workers. Typical drink of the Incas is Chica is a kind of beer made from corn.

Inca nation is a nation that is national. The use of national languages ​​dipaksanakan by the king to the people. At the time of Topa Inca, Quechua language set as the lingua franca in all regions of Tahuanntinsuyu.
Incas have ordered society organizations. As the basic unit or the bottom of the Inca ayllu society organizations, the family is based endogama male lineage. Ayllu group that bersal from one region to form a larger group then called me. Each region (province) usually consists of two or three administrative regions (waman). Supreme power is in the hands of government consists Inca emperor who declared himself a descendant of the sun god Inti. Hence the title used by the Inca penguasai dalah Member Cori (who bererti Son of the Sun God). Underneath is the official who called apo as ruler of each area section (4 regions). Under the existing apo tokrikoq who became ruler of each province.

Incas have an advanced knowledge and develop. Although the science is developed in the Inca could not surpass the development of science in the Aztec and Maya pengatahuan. In Mathematics and Astronomy Incas could not surpass the progress in the Aztec and Maya.

Incas had a rapid development in the field of art, especially art up. As in the manufacture of textiles and ceramics, building fortifications, and roads are wide. Advancement of the arts can not be separated from government kemmapuan regulate society.

In the social field, the king was menarruh attention in terms of marriage. Men or women of full age and not have a spouse diplilihkan other people as best man. Then they were mated in a public ceremony.
In the field of religion, the Incas believed the sun god. Their kings are believed to have ties genealogical descent or origin of the sun god. The sun god was a very big influence in Inca society and even the Inca society there is a belief that the sun god is what lowers the Inca royal family. Therefore, every king who is ruling is seen as the god of the sun. It is not known with certainty, whether the Incas also perform human sacrifice as the Aztecs.

In addition to worship the sun god, the Inca also to worship the spirits of the ancestors. The cult was carried out with an exceedingly great ceremony. Kuzko mummy in their store in the bundle of cloth, mummy said it was the king who ruled at the time of Manko Ax (the first Inca). The mummy was placed in a magnificent house, like a palace, sekakan they were still alive in turn issued to witness the ceremony. Members of the royal family is less important, the high nobility and the people are able to preserve the family's bodies.
Inca belief in god does not play a role in covering the entire life of the Inca empire but has a solid religious institutions as part of the government and under the rule.
Development of the Inca culture is so high is eventually destroyed. Incan army had collapsed because of the conquest of Francisco Pizarro in 1533.

History of the QWERTY Keyboard Layout

This relates to the history of the typewriter that was found earlier by Christopher Latham Sholes (1868). When creating a prototype typewriter before, even so allows us to type faster. Too quickly the possibility of typing it, to the extent that problems often arise at the time. Often when the button is pressed, the trunks of letters (slug) that hit the tape was experiencing a mechanical failure, which is more often caused because the rods each hook (jamming).

Confused thinking about the solution at the time, Christopher Latham Sholes would mess up the sequence in such a way to found a combination that is considered the most difficult to use in typing. The goal is clear, to avoid mechanical errors that often occur earlier.

Finally, the composition of the typewriter is derived on the computer keyboard as the input and in 1973 opened as a standard keyboard ISO (International Standards Organization).

Actually there are some standard keyboard layout used today. Call it the ASK (American Simplified Keyboard), commonly called Dvorak discovered by Dr. August Dvorak around 1940.

In the present study, the Dvorak layout allows us to type more efficiently. But maybe being late, because ultimately be subject Dvorak QWERTY dominance that has occurred in the organizations of the world at that time and they do not want to risk a rush when changing to the Dvorak keyboard layout. The only recognition is coming from ANSI (American National Standard Institute) which approved the Dvorak keyboard layout as a version of "alternative" around the year 1970.

Other keyboard arrangement that is still the development of the QWERTY layout is QWERTZ are used in countries such as Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, etc.. AZERTY French and Belgian state, QZERTY, etc.

Crimean War: The first modern conflicts that affect the future of warfare

Crimean War (1853-1856) was a battle that took place between the Russian empire against the allies of France, the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Sardinia, and Ottoman Empire. Most conflicts occur in the Crimean peninsula, with another battle occurred in western Turkey and the Baltic sea. Crimean War is sometimes considered the first modern conflict that affects the future of warfare.

Krimean war is known by different names. In Russia known as the "Oriental War" (Russian: Восточная война, Vostochnaya Voina), and in Britain at the time it is sometimes known as "Russia's War".

Krimean war famous for logistical and tactical mistakes on both sides. However, it is considered to be a war "modern" first, such as "introduced technical changes which affect the future of warfare system," including the first tactical use of railways and telegraphs. It is also famous for the work of Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of modern nursing practice when caring for the wounded British soldiers.

Crimean War was also the first time extensively documented in photographs.

Pre-battle tension

Conflict over the Holy Land

The series of events that made France and England declared war against Russia on March 27 and March 28, 1854 can be traced to the coup in 1851 in France. Napoleon III sent an ambassador to the Ottoman Empire and tried to force the Ottomans to recognize France as a "sovereign ruler" in the Holy Land. Russia denied the change of "ruler" new in the Holy Land. Referring to the two previous agreements, namely in 1757 and another in 1774, Ottoman alter their previous decision, France canceled the agreement and insisted that Russia was the protector of Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire.

Napoleon III responded with a show of force, sending a fleet of Charlemagne to the Black Sea, which is a violation of the London Straits Convention. French show of strength combined with aggressive diplomacy and money, forcing the Sultan Abdülmecid I to accept the new agreement, acknowledges the French and the Roman Catholic Church as the supreme Christian authority in the Holy Land with the control of Christian holy places and have the rights to the Church of Nativity, which was previously held by the Greek Orthodox Church.

Tsar Nicholas I then sent an army corps to-4-5 and all along the River Danube, Count Karl Nesselrode and assigns, the foreign minister, for talks with the Ottoman Empire. Nesselrode expressed the matter to Sir George Hamilton Seymour, British ambassador in St Petersburg:

Peace negotiations began in 1856 at the hands of children as well as his successor Nicholas I, Alexander II, through Congress Paris.Selanjutnya, Tsar and the Sultan agreed not to remove their navy Hitam.Selain Sea coast, all the great knights pledged to respect the independence and territorial integrity Ottoman Empire.

Monday, February 27, 2012

10th of Most Poisonous Caterpillars

Caterpillars are best avoided by men, but some types can make the body itching, also be a pest for the crop production. Caterpillars which are categorized as dangerous? Here's the list;

1. The Saddle back Caterpillar

Caterpillars are beautiful, but watch out if exposure to toxins can cause symptoms of swelling, nausea and rash for days. This caterpillar is classified as a greedy and eat all kinds of plants. There in the garden, flower pots, garden etc.

2. The Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar

Included in this type of voracious caterpillars, but if he ran out of food so that there is mutual cannibalism among caterpillars.

To maintain the living worm is equipped with enough weapons poison deadly to their prey. If touched by humans, the toxins that make us itch and rash all over his body.

3. The Monarch Caterpillar

His appearance was funny, yellow-striped black and white. If the caterpillar has been hatched, not visible by naked eye because of its size is so small.

This caterpillars grow very fast, it has an average length of 2 inch (about 5 cm). If it becomes a butterfly, MonarchCaterpillar very pretty and beautiful.

4. The Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

Characteristics of this type of caterpillar is to have lots of hair on his head, and unique in its body is only slightly overgrown hair. Hair can cause pain and for people who come in contact dermatitis.

They really like some kind of Mapple leaf, elm and oak trees. These caterpillars can also cause trees to die.

5. The Bag Shelter Caterpillar

Among all kinds of other caterpillars, this caterpillars are very toxic and dangerous, can cause death in humans. The early symptoms of shortness of breath and a rash all over his body. These caterpillars eat the leaves, and come out at night.

6. The Puss Caterpillar

The most toxic caterpillars in North America is the Slug Caterpillar Puss or Woolly. Do not be fooled by the appearance of fluffy cotton balls because the acid will remove anything that touches and loaded with poisonous spines all over its body. Symptoms of the sting can last several days and include headache, nausea and vomiting. Found in citrus trees, elm and oak.

7. The Stinging Rose Caterpillar

Less than one inch in length. This species has the feathers spiked with poison glands. When touching the barbed hairs, then the poison directly into the body and cause skin rashes and hypersensitivity reactions. These caterpillars can be found on woody plants such as dogwood, maple, oak, cherry, apple, poplar and hickory.

8. The Hickory Tussock Caterpillar

The venom of caterpillars this kind took place when it comes in contact with hair or spines and cause a skin rash or hypersensitivity.

Hickory Tussock is generally seen from June to September and can be found in southern Canada or North America.

9. The Io Moth Caterpillar

Two types of toxins are released from the back of the caterpillar of this kind lead to a burning sensation and inflammation. They take a lot of trees and shrubs including willow, maple, elm, oak, holly, aspen, locust, cherry, pear and sassafras.

This species can be found in the open, forest meadows and fields of corn from February to September.

10. The Spinny Oak Slug Caterpillar

These beautifully colored caterpillars and has a length of approximately one inch. Toxins released by the spines can cause a severe reaction. These caterpillars like to eat dates, willow, ash, oak, and chestnut Hackberry along with other trees and woody plants are smaller.

This species can be found in the forests of southern Quebec to Maine and south through Missouri, Texas and Florida.

The mystery of the blue skin

On some old beliefs and folklore, blue skin usually refers to the figure of the god. For example, the god Krishna in Hindu belief. Alternatively, the Egyptian god, Ammon was also depicted a blue-skinned.
Somehow, it turns blue-skinned man was real, as the following story.
In 1820, a French orphan named Martin Fugate received a grant of land in eastern Kentucky, which is known by the name of Troublesome Creek.

Martin later married an American woman, Elizabeth Smith, the red hair and very white skin, white as snow. Fugate family has 7 children, 4 of which are blue-skinned.

This family is increasing in number, as fellow members of the family Fugate married to each other. Marriage between cousins ​​are common, Fugate family also married with families of their neighbors.

These communities live in remote areas that do not have the infrastructure.
Martin children who eventually married a blue-skinned brother from their mother. Zachariah, a blue-skinned child, married the brother of the mother, and produce a combination of genes that 100 years later be the cause of the birth of Benjy Stacy with blue-purple skin color!

When family doctors are amazed to see the condition of Benjy, they explained the story of Benjy great-grandmother, the Luna Fugate. The family said Luna is a woman who was "very blue", "bluest woman who ever lived".

Why blue-skinned?
The disorder is called methaemoglobinaemia - or in short: met-H, a condition that reduces the ability to carry oxygen in the blood. As a result, the blood becomes darker than normal color.

Cases in Family Fugate possible due to marry a neighbor and close relatives that cause genetic disorders continues.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 Animals Unique and Interesting But Very despised by the Human

1. Gumprecht 's Pit Viper Green

This snake is a striking bright green, commonly known as Gumprecht's green pit viper, is found in Southeast Asia over the Mekong ruler.
Snake, which has a formal name Trimeresurus gumprechti, first discovered by scientists in 2002, although the scientists finally decided to exterminate them.

2. Snakefish

In 2002, snakefish (or Channidae) was described as having "a voracious appetite, often consuming all other fish in the lake or pond. These animals can run on the ground, leaving the water for three days, to find new food sources." Norton also warns that once on land "snakeheads can eat almost any small animal in the road. they even attacked people in China who are too close to their spawning areas.

According to wikipedia, snakefish can be up to more than one meter in length and weighs over 6 pounds. Most snakefish measuring 2-3 meters.

They also reproduce by quickly if no natural enemies outside of their native environment.
In their native environments, small snakefish prey by larger fish, while adult snakefish devoured by crocodiles.

Because of their ability to move into a new habitat, and deleting local ecosystems, and to then jump out of the water and wander to find new pools of snakefish trying eradicated in 13 states of the United States and other countries (eg Australia).

3.Giant Isopod

These predators are similar to Giant Isopod (Bathynomus giganteus), a carnivorous crustacean that spends time scavenging the deep ocean floor, to a depth of 6000 feet on the ocean floor where there is no light. The room dark and cold, they survive by eating dead and rotting fish or other marine animal carcasses.

4. Aye-aye

Considered by locals as a harbinger of misfortune, Aye-aye is one of the most endangered primates in the world and the strange.

For the Malagasy people, the aye-aye is magical beasts, and is believed to bring death when he appeared in the village - the local village, so they are often killed. body length of 16 inches (40 cm), bushy tail length of 2 feet (61 cm), and weighs about 2 pounds. Aye-aye has large round eyes, black hair, and large spoon-shaped ears. has a 5-finger hand with flat nails, with the middle finger that is 3 times the other fingers.

5. Star-nosed rat

One of the most interesting star in the universe: star-nosed rat is around (Condylura cristata). From the appearance and location, one would think maybe it is yng sensitive olfactory organ, helping the nearly blind mice recognize the underground environment, or extra hands to catch prey and manipulate objects. Some researchers have hypothesized that these mice can detect electric fields, so the nose works like a kind of antenna. But in fact, the nose is a star in mice organs sensor for exceptional touch with more than 25,000 sensory receptors, called Eimer organ.

6. frilled lizard

Frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingi) is a yellowish brown Australian lizard has a large frill on the skin side of the neck and throat. Length is 90 cm, and when angry or scared he developed appendage, which may be up to 25 cm wide in diameter, to give the impression that he is bigger. frilled lizard usually lives in trees but sometimes spend time on the ground, where they run with their forelimbs in the air.

7. Giant Leaf-tailed gecko

Giant leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus) is endemic to Madagascar and the islands Bohara Mangabe nosy and nosy. These geckos live in tropical rain forests and reach a length of 330 mm. Nocturnal geckos are big size, berjhari day gecko that will be attached to trees and if disturbed it will shake its tail and head, opened his mouth and shouted for his mother.

8. Kerivoula Kachinensis

Other species found in one of the world's last scientifically unexplored, Asia's Greater Mekong, Kachinensis Kerivoula is one of the most disturbing bats ever found.

9. Desert rat

Heterocephalus glabe Digger is an animal native to East Africa known eusocial lifestyle, is unique among mammals, and a very unusual physical properties that allow it to thrive in the harsh underground environment, the skin is almost immune to pain, bleeding and metabolism cold.

10. caterpillars Cats

Caterpillar cat is the most poisonous caterpillar in the United States. poison is hidden in hollow spines among its hairs. This hairy caterpillar is found in southern states, ranging west through most of Texas and north to Maryland and Missouri. He ate on shade trees such as elm, oak, and sycamore. Puss caterpillars vary in size from 1.2 in (32 mm) to 1.4 inches (36 mm).
